A new study posted on and discussed on communication and general newsgroups shows that households are moving away from traditional landlines for mobile phones.
U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski has opted to try to re-regulate the Internet in an effort to preserve so-called Net neutrality. If successful, it means ISPs would not be able to slow or block online access that consumes...
Microsoft newsgroups report that Windows Embedded Standard 7, which manufacturers can use to create specialized devices that run Windows 7-based components, has been released to manufacturing
ccess, both Internet Service Providers have made a June cutoff date announcements. ThunderNews welcomes all customers of both Altantic Broadband and Cox Communications. Details and coupon code of the special are available on our website. The current special is applicable...
While browsing through Usenet newsgroups and accessing articles, a secure system offers piece of mind to make sure that the accessed post won’t make your system roast.
Unless you’ve been away from the waking world over the last month, the iPad caused a bit of a press storm. Now, Google has officially confirmed that it is working on a tablet computer that will likely rival Apple’s recently...
Still reeling from this week's court ruling, which said that the Federal Communications Commission has no authority to enforce net neutrality principles while after Comcast, the FCC is already warning that it might not be able to carry out aspects...
A broad coalition of privacy groups and technology companies, calling itself Digital Due Process, sent a set of principles to Capitol Hill Tuesday to try and convince Congress to update digital communications privacy laws. The companies have teamed with more...
ThunderNews.com now offers 570 days of retention on binaries alongside 50 lightning fast simultaneous connections, providing better service to members without any increase in price. With recent storage upgrades, ThunderNews.com is proud to be able to offer members the benefits...
The number of US TV watchers that also cruise the internet and USENET is up more than 35 percent from a year ago, according to a new report released Monday.