These days there are so many sites and accounts you need to log into that it is hard to think of new, unique passwords. So often, when it comes down to creating a new password people either use the same...
For more than 30 years Usenet has been a resource for people all over the globe to share ideas, debates, and files. It preceded the Internet, and some even consider it a precursor to social media. Premium providers such as...
These days everything is available on the go. You can bring your home office, home theater and just about anything else with you anywhere. Smart phones made the internet available anywhere and everywhere, while tablet computers continue to grow in...
The on-going fight over the new net neutrality rules continue as it was announced that the Washington DC Circuit Court will hear the challenges to the rules. The net neutrality rules prevent internet providers from slowing or interfering with their...
If you’re curious what Windows 8 will be all about, Microsoft has announced on USENET newsgroups that it is now offering a Developer Preview of the operating system at its current stage of development. It’s a pre-beta version and while...
Launched at the Black Hat 211 security conference and released on Usenet, Offline Windows Analysis and Data Extraction (OWADE) is capable of unlocking files indicating the web history of computers that are operating on Windows. Elie Bursztein’s team at Stanford...
Google Groups stopped updating posts from Usenet newsgroups not long ago, outraging many users who found they could continue to brose previous posts, but were not being provided access to newer posts. The updating seems to have stopped on August...
Don’t find yourself having exceeding your online data cap. Make sure that you monitor your online usage, including those from USENET so you’re not hit with those nasty overage charges. You could lose access entirely, so make sure that you...
Private newsgroups may contain text and messages. With, you’ll receive access to many private newsgroups so that you may discuss various topics with people from all over the world. Choose from newsgroups like alt.*, games.*, humor.* or music.* with...
With the similarities that Google+ Possesses to USENET newsgroups are many, we decided to provide a handy 10 tip guide on using what is to be the next big thing in online communication. We acquired some of the most popular...